I play bass, and need my fingers. Sometimes, though, I still want to keep my hands warm.
So, I invented these:
Neat, huh?
Any worsed weight yarn will do. I used Lion Brand Wool Ease. The amount you
need varies by hand size, and by how long you want to make your gloves.
J hook.
This is kind of a free pattern, just to make sure you get gloves that look like how you want them too and fit like you need them too. So, I won't be terribly exact with anything. TRY ON YOUR GLOVES WHILE YOU MAKE THEM TO MAKE SURE THEY FIT!
Make two.
Measure around the middle of your forearm. Subtract half an inch. Remember this number for later.
To make the wrists: Make a chain as long as you want the gloves to go down your arm. About fifteen or twenty chains will do it, but you can make it longer or shorter if you like. Now, sc blo until the cloth you're making is as long as the measurement we took at the beginning. Sl st the two ends together to make a tube.
To make the palms: Sc around the top of the tube, *ch 1, sc around, join row with sl st*, repeat from *s six more times. You may need to alter the amount of rows if you're making it for bigger/smaller hands.
To make the thumb hole: Ch 1, sc around, but STOP eight stitches from the end. Ch 5, then sl stitch the chain to the end of the row.
To cover your knuckles: *ch 1, sc around, join row with sl st* three times. Sl st around once to finish. Weave in ends.